News Archive - Jul 2005

Below is a list of all the news updates from Cricket Web Fantasy Cricket for this particular month.

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2nd ODI: India v West IndiesPoints have been upd🉐ated from the 2nd match in the IndianOil Cup between India and the West Indies♔.31 July 2005
1st ODI: Sri Lanka v IndiaThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI bet♐wee🌸n Sri Lanka and India in the IndiaOil Cup.30 July 2005
IndianOil Series: Players AddedAll th🃏ree teams have now ꧅announced their 15 strong squads for the upcomming IndianOil series.24 July 2005
T&N Trophy Challenge VIIIT&N Trophy Challenge VIII14 July 2005
Final Standings: It's All ChangeCricket Web's Fantasy Cricket - Final Standings12 July 2005
England v Australia: 2nd ODIPoints upꦛdated after the 2n꧃d ODI between England and Australia. 10 July 2005
England v Australia: 1st ODIPoints have been updat꧂ed following the 1st ODI between En🦄gland and Australia.07 July 2005
T&N Trophy Challenge VIIIT&N Trophy Challenge VIII03 July 2005
England v Australia: NWS Final🤪The points have been updated 🏅following the final of the NatWest Series between England and Australia02 July 2005