Welcome CW's Fantasy Cricket Version 3!

02 Aug 2008

Welcome to the newest version of Cricket Web's Fantasy Cricket.

Cricket Web's Fantasy Cricket has undergone a few changes since your last visit, these have been in the pipeline for sometime now and we would just like to thank all our users who have taken the time to feedback your suggestions and ideas for the game. Every single response has been reviewed and discussed, and unfortunately not every idea has made the cut this time around but changes are continually being made so please keep an eye out, as they may appear soon!

The new features included in the latest update (in no particular order/importance):

The Front Page: We haven't made any major changes to the look this time around however on the front page we have made a small alteration to the tabbed boxes, they will now default to the active competition, whereas before they were always on the ODI tab as a default.

Modifications: This is probably the biggest single change to Cricket Web's Fantasy Cricket Version 3.

Modifications can now be made at anytime even during matches! So no more annoying messages telling you to come back later. For all of you that actually like to sleep this modification has been developed just for you!

So how does it work?

Modifications are as normal - Open & Active, however when a match is in progress a change can still be made but it will be as a pending modification meaning that once the current match has been completed and updated and the modifications re-enabled the change will be automatically completed for you even if you are already tucked up in bed. This means that any players you have in your team currently will still earn you the points for the game and your Pending change will start earning you points from the next game of the competition.

We have also added an extra page once you have confirmed your modifications to review them and you will be able to check how much they will cost before you choose to lock them in confirm them for definite.

Private Messaging: Private messaging has been added to Fantasy Cricket to enable you to communicate with other managers in the game, or just to warn you're best mate that your you're about to beat them.

Your Team(s): Within your current team list, you can now see which players have scored you the points in your team, rather than by position.

For example, in the current system if you have Ricky Ponting in Bat1 and he is on 100 points, and you swap him for Michael Vaughan, Bat1 will stay on 100 points. This is no longer the case, Bat1 will reset to 0 and Ricky Ponting will go into the changes list below your team.

User Leagues:Public Leagues: We have moved the Public Leagues list to the User League - Join page so that it's more conveniently placed. to easily add yourself to.

As a result all User League information (not just private) will now be displayed within your logged in area under the Main Menu.

Performance: A small change was made to now show how you have performed from the last update. It takes the form of a small arrow indicating which way your team is heading. Also in the Main Menu of the logged in area where the summary of your current teams are you can now click the league position to view a graph that will show how you have been perfoming over the course of the competition.

We can't list all of the changes we have made, otherwise your you'd never get to play the game, but its safe to say that there are many more for you to discover as you play.

We appreciate all of comments and suggestions made by email and on the forum and we hope that you enjoy this version of Fantasy Cricket just as much as you did the originals; and keep an eye out for new additions in the coming months.

The Fantasy Cricket Team